The Bond of the '90s needed a renewal of his classic suits and combat gear, and Welsh-born costume designer Lindy Hemming was in charge of the task of giving a new touch to Pierce Brosnan's 007 costumes: "We wanted him to look modern, but not trendy like someone in advertising".

Famke Janssen, who plays the villainess Xenia Onatopp worn expensive black dresses and hats designed by Philip Sommerville and special made shoes by Jimmy Choo, who also designed shoes for Lady Di. A lot more informal is the clothes worn by Izabella Scorupco as Natalya Simonova: a light blue cardigan from French Connection and a skirt by Ghost. Her sexy white bikini -in a homage to DR NO's Ursula Andress- is from La Perla, while the sarong is from Ghost.

Troughout June, The GoldenEye Dossier will review the clothing of the secret agent, his girls and villains. Be sure to check out our social media and the hashtags #goldeneye20 and #GEcostumes.
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