Wednesday 15 June 2011

FOR APRIL, JAMES - Sean Bean injured on a brawl while protecting his female companion.

He made us believe that he could be dangerous as renegade agent 006 in GOLDENEYE. But it seems that James Bond wasn't the only guy to discover Sean Bean's bad side: an unidentified guy at a Bar in Camden, London, also discovered one shouldn't mess with the Sheffield-born actor.

Apparently, the guy was mocking at model April Summer, who is very close to Bean, outside the bar when the couple was smoking a cigarette. But the GOLDENEYE star didn't take the comments lightly, and a brawl started, which resulted in Bean getting stabbed with a piece of glass.

"Sean is a regular here and we've never had any problems before. He was with a very attractive woman and an incident occurred outside the bar," reported a staff member of the place.

The actor, who has reciently starred in AGE OF HEROES, refused to be taken to a hospital.

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